Friday, December 9, 2011

Friday, December 9

AM   Psalm 31     PM  Psalm 35
 Haggai 1:1-15
Rev. 2:18-29
Matt. 23:27-39

Quoting from :
"Participants in the movement are motivated by the feeling that they cannot get a fair shake any longer, despite their willingness to attend college and graduate, work at (or try to find decent-paying) jobs and serve in the U.S. military. They believe that the odds are increasingly stacked by both business and government against their abilities as individuals to shape their own futures.
Occupy Wall Street is an expression, born outside traditional politics, of the fading confidence in the tenet that an American can work hard, (mostly) control his or her destiny and achieve the American Dream.
Yaneer Bar-Yam, an American born physicist, systems scientist and founder of the New England Complex Systems Institute described Occupy Wall Street as “an expression of general concern for financial and economic well-being” that focuses on the problem of “undue influence” exerted by business on government that government has been unable or unwilling to withstand."

I'm wondering about OWS - is it more a true biblical call for economic justice, being concerned about those without power/standing/voice . . . or is it a yearning for the ability to be self-sufficient?

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